3 Powerful Tips for Pet Safety in Cars from Your Vet in Austin, TX

Driving with your pet may seem like an easy task, especially if you have a dog who loves sticking their head out of the window. However, with over 38,000 people dying every year in the United States from car crashes, driving is an activity that's actually more dangerous than flying in a plane.
Even minor accidents can cause harm to small children and pets, which is why some essential pet safety tips from your vet in Austin, can go a long way to keeping your furry loved one safe and happy.
With this in mind, keep reading to learn our top tips for pet safety in cars!
1. Keep Their Heads Inside
Most dogs love sticking their heads out of the window to enjoy the breeze, smell exciting smells, and take a gander at the world as it speeds by. Of course, this is fine when you're running errands or driving around the block.
However, when you're on the highway and going over 55 mph, this is a significant safety risk for your dog and can lead to an emergency visit to the Austin, TX vet.
Debris and other objects can cause significant head injuries if they hit your dog at these speeds. Your dog is also at risk of being seriously injured if another car, building, or structure gets too close while you're driving. Keep them inside when you speed up!
2. Don't Leave Pets Unattended
Did you know that in only 10 minutes, the interior of a closed car can rise to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit? At those temperatures, pets and children alike or at risk of brain damage, severe dehydration, and more.
When you stop and park your car, make sure to leave it on and air-conditioned. Teslas have a digital display that allows bystanders to know that your dog is safe and cool, but you can also put up your own sign to avoid broken windows by concerned citizens.
3. Restrain Your Pets
Do you ensure that your children are secured in their car seats with seatbelts before you begin driving? This is because you know that even a minor wreck can cause serious harm to a child's delicate frame. The same is true for pet travel.
Pet harnesses or belts are a great way to keep your dog secured to the seat while allowing them to have some flexibility to move around. You can also opt to use pet crates in the back of your car. However, if this is the case, make sure you find one that allows them to stand and sit.
Being stuck in one position can be painful and uncomfortable for your pet for long trips.
Follow These Pet Safety Tips from Your Vet in Austin
By following these pet safety tips for the car, you can be assured that your pet will be safe, even in the case of an accident. You may feel discouraged if your pets whine or fuss if you don't allow them to stick their heads out of the window while you're speeding down the road or restrain them to the seat.
However, your pets also don't understand the reasoning behind these actions. If they knew, they would probably be thanking you!
Ready to schedule an appointment with an experienced vet in Austin? Contact us today through our online form or give us a call at (512) 892-4463.